Tag Archives: rest

Beware of the camouflage

Last night as I was praising God a vision of concrete bricks lying on the ground and the person there was struggling trying to hand them to God. It was tearing down a stone wall. God would take the stones and lay them aside as if they the weight of a feather. Then later as I was sleeping an army dressed in camouflage came rushing in and they blended in and you really had to look for them even though they were many in number if you weren’t looking you could not see them. As the fire burst forth I heard as whisper of God calling and the bricks that were given to him he built a cylinder wall and the person was able to go in. They were safe from harm and God told them see when you abide on me I will protect you and raise you up because even though the adversary has sent out an army and the are camouflaged and causing destruction and taking by surprise you are a new army and you shall not be hidden. Rest now, prepare now, because the time is coming when I will send a new army who will not be hidden, who cannot be deceived who will be on the front line replacing those who weary, those who have fallen, those that the adversary has tricked, those who claim me but do not know me, I am replacing them with those I have prepared for a time such as these. Trust in me, depend on me, live for me , serve me with your whole heart and I will bring you through. Focus on me So you know it is I that is leading you. Rest in me and prepare for the army of God can not be hidden and battle is calling. I will pour out a fresh new anointing on all those who can be trusted to do my work. I will refreshen my people and bring them to higher levels in me beware the enemy will be able to copy but it can not stand.
“The Lord said unto my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand, till I make thine enemies thy footstool? (Matthew 22:44 KJV)


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When I am broken

When i am broken and on my knees my tears is what God sees and takes me in his arms and wipes away my fears. Tells me everything is going to be ok for he has already made a way. Trust in him, rest in him, reach for him, his shoulders are wide and burdens are few so he is able to carry yours and see you through. You dont have to be strong because to him he is where you belong. Lord give me the strength to make it through this day and continue the path to which you lay. Let me lift up your name and carry on because I havent made it to completion yet.

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Posted by on October 9, 2012 in Uncategorized


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